Saturday, 24 October 2015

One thing we're doing as a club to make things a little more competitive, is having an annual club shootout based on ET's run throughout the year. This will be kicking off properly in 2016, but we also wanted to recognised the efforts of those who have turned up, raced and represented the SAS RENNWAGENS  on the strip. All those who've run in the year also get a free special edition club T-Shirt. Here are 2015's Rennwagen Hero Members!

Well to mark our return to the club blog how about we remind ourselves of our members and the awesome performances they've accomplished on the strip. Here's our all time club members board.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Well, it seems the old blog format is preferred by our membership so our website has been taken down and we're returning to the blog.... keep an eye out for updates and news from the world of Hot VW's!