Friday, 12 February 2010

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Johnny's new 56 cal looker

I have never looked at Johns ride for the past few years - currently 2nd quickest, but long time #1 car in the club - as being anything less than immaculate, a 63 ragtop bug built in the true cal look tradition. It's packed a hot motor and built box from day one and has always been as clean underneath as it is on top - however, if you know John, you do come away with the feeling that he's a bit of a perfectionist, having netted trophies in the past for other cars he's built (stock restorations and custom). So, with that in mind, I wasn't surprised when I saw some pictures of his new car. I'll let the shots do the talking:

Over 10,000 hits!!!!

Its been a bit slack of late on here as we're busily working away on an all new SAS RENNWAGENS website, but check for more updates later....